3/13/20 Notes

Hello Band!
I have been in contact with our board members regarding how we are going to proceed over the next few weeks and months. We want to err on the side of caution, as our members' health and the health of the audience is of greatest concern. Here is where we are as of now:

1. All rehearsals at Cary-Grove are suspended until further notice. This includes CLCB and the CLCB Jazz Band.

2. The combined concert with Prairie Ridge has been cancelled. There are no plans for rescheduling at this time.

3. We are taking a "wait and see" approach to the Pops Concert in May, but rest assured that every decision the band board makes will be made with our members' health and safety of primary importance.

These are trying times for us all, but we will be cautious and make sure we get to make music again in the future even if it means cancelling some events and rehearsals in the short term. We will keep you informed of any updates/changes as they occur. Stay healthy!




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SCRIP Site Scrip Order Form
SCRIPT Presentation SCRIP Fundraising Presentation

• The Crystal Lake Community Band currently raises all of its own operating income
• We pay for director fees, space rental (performance and rehearsal), music, equipment, insurance, and student grants.
• We do this through member fees, concert ticket sales, grants, donations and fund raising. Fund raising a is an essential portion of our annual budget!

People in the band are familiar with the Scrip concept because of our previous participation in Manna gift cards.
• Scrip is an easy to use, low cost, and low maintenance way to raise funds.
• Band members are not required to sell anything. Families can help the band raise money by paying for everyday purchases using gift cards in place of cash, checks and credit cards.
• The effort to collect money from the purchase of the cards is minimal, meaning that it is a sustainable source of income.